
Proofreading really is a part of our everyday lives, isn’t it? From our school days to  entering the workforce, we all use proofreading skills to some extent. We proofread our essays, book reports, resumes, cover letters, etc. I was a Personal Injury Paralegal for approximately 30 years, therefore, I proofread documents such as letters, medical records, settlement releases, demand letters, pleadings, etc.

The comprehensive training I have had has helped me to sharpen my proofreading skills. I was amazed to find out how much I didn’t know as I was going through the course, but I made it through the course and passed the exam! I was so excited! I am ready to put these new skills to use. I will continue to strengthen my proofreading skills, and I will continue to learn and add to my skill set.

I am a graduate of Metropolitan State College, Denver, Colorado, and I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Paralegal Studies. I have completed the General Proofreading: Theory and Practice online course. I have been married for 33 years. My husband is retired.